Knowledge Center

Through our Knowledge Center you can explore a range of educational materials designed to be quick-to-access, intuitive-to-use and clinically relevant to assisting your work with patients in everyday practice.


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Glossary of Cannabinoid Terms

This brochure offers a quick overview of many of the cannabinoid terms in use today.



Cannabinoid Science 101 Slide Deck

PowerPoint presentation that provides foundational information about cannabis, cannabinoid science and cannabis regulation.


Nerve cells

The Refractory Epilepsy Screening Tool for Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (REST-LGS)

The REST-LGS is a screening tool created by a group of experts in the field of epilepsy to improve the identification and treatment of patients living with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.


Idiopathic Hypersomnia Symptom Burden

This video infographic provides an overview of the symptom burden associated with Idiopathic Hypersomnia.

Idiopathic Hypersomnia Around the Clock

This video infographic offers an overview of the living with Idiopathic Hypersomnia around the clock.

Impact of Narcolepsy Across the Lifespan

This video presentation provides an overview of the impact of narcolepsy across the lifespan.

Nerve cells

Differential Diagnosis of Narcolepsy and Idiopathic Hypersomnia Infographic Handout

Learn more about the differential diagnosis of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia.